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The picturesque beauty of this palm can make anyone fall in love. Also known as Arundinaria is native to the jungles of North America. They need a humid environment and a bright sunny spot to survive. The light green leaves have a distinctive outlook and can grow as tall as 20 ft. You can substitute them for plastic sheets to cover areas due to their dense growth. You can also boil young leaves to brew a relaxing cup of tea. Don’t forget to call us over!


 Plant Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Water: Weekly, Twice

Sunlight: Bright Direct

Pet Friendly: Yes

Cane Palm/Bamboo Palm

  • Note

    Plant and Planter images are for reference/sample purposes only.

    All our plants are sold in standard black nursery pots.

At Ropan, all our plants are delivered in pots!

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