Amidst the chaos generated by a global pandemic called Corona Virus (Covid 19), we all have been issued certain guidelines to be adhered to for all our safety. From social isolation to keeping clean we all have been doing our best to fight against this disease. Keeping this in mind, here are a few more tips to keep yourself and your loved ones safe around you.
1. Air Purifying plants.
Keep all your air-purifying plants around you as they can help clean the air around you from harmful bacteria’s and viruses. Air purifying plants include Peace Lilly, Snake plant, Dracaena, Areca palm, Spider plant, Money plant etc.
2. Take care of your pets and plants.
Unlike humans, Covid 19 virus does not affect your pets and plants but negligence most certainly does. During this crisis, it is very easy to forget about your buddies as they can't really communicate with us as humans communicate amongst themselves. Take a little bit of time every day towards your pets and plants to understand what they require. Take care of them as you take care of yourselves.
3. Befriend your Plants.
The most important thing in the battle against Covid 19 is Social distancing. These days all of us are stuck at home in isolation with little to no interaction with our social circle. For all those social butterflies who find themselves totally isolated and no one to interact with, now is a chance to befriend your plants. Talk to your plants while you care for them as it will help you calm down and your plants will appreciate your efforts and respond in kind in their own unique way.
4. Return of Nature
One global problem solves another that has been affecting us for decades. Look around you, look at the sky, breathe in the air around you and you will realize that as day to day human actions come to a standstill the nature around us is responding by healing itself slowly. Each day, as we do not venture outside of our homes in our vehicles there is less air pollution, as factories halt their production there is no global emission. Little by little nature is healing itself, skies are becoming clearer, the air is getting cleaner and slowly starts are returning to the night sky. Let us all pledge that once the threat of Covid 19 is over we all shall do our little bit to let the nature remain healthy.